East Bay Invitational
April 5, 2025
California High School
Time: Meet begins at 9:00am.
Entries: Each school is limited to three individual entries per event per division, and one relay per division.
Additional entries over the limit will not be entered into the meet. For the 400H, please enter 300H times.
All entries will be done through MileSplit. Entries are due by April 1, 2025 at 11:59pm.
Entry Fees: $25 per relay / $10 per individual event / $400 max per school
Entry fees need to be received by meet day in order for your team to compete. Make checks payable to Cal High Track & Field.
Payment: Send checks to:
California High School
Attn: Mark Karbo, Track Coach
9870 Broadmoor Drive
San Ramon, CA 94583
Awards: Top 3 in each event in each division will receive custom 2025 EBI medals.
Timing: FinishLynx timing by Diablo Timing.
Results: Results will be posted on Diablotiming.com promptly after each event concludes, as well as on athletic.net and this site following the meet.
Trainer: Trainer on site provided by California High School.
Gate: Admission fee for all spectators is $10 through GoFan*
Concessions: Snack shack will be open with great food.*
Souvenirs: Custom 2025 EBI t-shirts will be on sale at the meet.*
*NOTE* The East Bay Invitational is a cashless event. Only credit/debit cards will be accepted for food, admission and t-shirt sales
Mark Karbo at thekarbos@aol.com
Tim Hunter at trackboss2016@yahoo.com
Field Events
Shot Put FSB, then VB
Discus FSG, then VG
Triple Jump FSG, then VG Pit 1
Triple Jump FSB, then VB Pit 2
Pole Vault FSG, then VG
High Jump FSG, then VG
Shot Put FSG, then VG
Discus FSB, then VB
Long Jump FSG, then VG Pit 1
Long Jump FSB, then VB Pit 2
Pole Vault FSB, then VB
High Jump FSB, then VB
Running Events
Event Order, starting at 9:00 - a detailed time schedule will be posted a few days prior to the meet, once we receive all entries
3200 FSG, FSB, VG, VB
4x100 FSG, FSB, VG, VB
100H/110H FSG, VG, FSB, VB
400 FSG, FSB, VG, VB
100 FSG, FSB, VG, VB
4x800 FSG, FSB, VG, VB
1600 FSG, FSB, VG, VB
4x400 FSG, FSB, VG, VB