The order for the running events in a meet are 4x100, 1600, 100/110HH, 400, 100, 800, 300LH, 200, 3200, 4x400.
There are 4 divisions in EBAL track & field meets, frosh-soph girls, frosh-soph boys, varsity girls and varsity boys. Only varsity competitions are scored at dual meets.
The starter's commands for races where blocks are being used are "on your marks, set" and then the gun. For races where no one uses blocks, that is adjusted to "on your marks" and then the gun. There is no need for the "set" call without blocks.
The hurdle heights are as follows: girls 300 low hurdles, 30", girls 100 high hurdles, 33", boys 300 intermediate hurdles 36", boys 110 high hurdles 39". There are 10 hurdles in the high hurdle races and 8 in the intermediates.
Here's how much each throwing implement weighs: girls shot put, 4k (8.8 lbs.), girls discus 1k (2.2 lbs.), boys f/s shot put 10 lbs., boys varsity shot put 12 lbs., boys discus 1.6k (3.52 lbs.)
For vertical jumping events (high jump, pole vault), each contestant is allowed three attempts at each height. After three consecutive misses, the competitor is eliminated.
In the triple jump, the athlete takes two consecutive jumps with the same foot, then switches to the opposite foot for the last jump before landing in the pit.
Points in individual events are scored 5 for 1st place, 3 for 2nd place and 1 for 3rd place. For relays, the winning team gets 5 points and the 2nd place team 0.
There are a total of 136 points available in a dual meet (9 for each of the 14 individual events and 5 for each of the 2 relays). The first team to score 69 points, wins the meet.
If a competitor in the pole vault breaks their pole in an attempt, it is not counted as a miss and they are awarded an additional attempt.
One false start in a running event disqualifies the runner.
All members of a relay team must wear matching uniforms.
To be legal, a relay baton must measure between 28-30 centimeters long, and between 12-13 centimeters in circumference. It must weigh at least 50 grams.
The passing zone in which the relay baton must be exchanged is 30 meters long for the 4x100 and is indicated by large yellow triangles. The passing zone for the 4x400 is 20 meters long with large blue triangles indicating the zone.
In the long and triple jump, the competitor's foot may not extend past the takeoff board or it is a foul and the jump is not measured.
In throwing events, competitors must exit the ring through the rear portion or the throw is illegal.
The last leg of a relay event is typically called the "anchor".
The FinishLynx timing system, which is used at most meets, can time accurately up to 1/1000th of a second.
To convert a hand time in a 100m to the equivalent of an automatic time, round up to the nearest tenth of a second, then add .24 - for example, a hand timed 10.91 is rounded up to 11.0 and then .24 is added to convert it to an 11.24 automatic time. Only fully automatic timing, or FAT, should be used for record purposes.
A mark is considered "wind aided" in the long jump, triple jump, 100m, 200m or high hurdles if there is greater than a 2.0 meter per second wind at the competitor's back. This is measured by a wind gauge.
Athletes may compete in up to 4 events in a single meet. This includes relay events.