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Training & Competition Shoes & Spikes


I'm frequently asked about training shoes and spikes for athletes who are new to the team.

For training shoes, I recommend going to a specialized running store such as Forward Motion or Fleet Feet and having a staff member analyze your foot strike pattern to see what type of shoe is suggested. It is highly recommended to get new training shoes every year if possible. Local stores often give discounts for high school athletes, or you can also purchase them online.

For sprinter spikes, I think choosing a basic all purpose shoe with a cushioned heel that works for multiple events is a good start. The Nike Zoom Rival Mullti Spike is good for all sprinting events, the long and triple jump as well as pole vault. It can even be used for the 800 and 1600. At around $75, it's also not too expensive.
Click here to view the Nike Zoom Rival Multi Spikes

For longer distances, such as the 1600 & 3200, the Nike Zoom Rival Distance is a better option.
Click here to view the Nike Zoom Rival Distance

For the throws, the Nike Zoom Rival SD2 is a good beginner shoe.
Click here to view the Nike Zoom Rival SD2

For high jump, the Nike Zoom Rival Multi Spike is probably fine for beginners.
More experienced high jumpers should get a specific high jump shoe such as the Nike Zoom HJ Elite.
These are a little more expensive at around $135.
Click here to view the Nike Zoom HJ Elite

There are many other good brands that offer excellent shoes for track & field such as Brooks, New Balance, Adidas and others.
You can also consult with your event coach to get some good suggestions about the right competition shoe for you.

- Coach Karbo